Tuesday, March 15, 2011

PopShop Alert!

Hey guys,I'm sure you saw the new "PopShop" floors. Their interior is very realistic and if you buy it,you're suite is sure to look classy and just like your real home. I've noticed some abnormally beautiful suites but some are just wonderful.They're simple and thats the way they should be left. Because classy is better.The theme is to keep it natural. The shop offers a variety of things from show pieces,pillows,coffee mugs etc. You'll have a chance to experience the life of a New Yorker and a Japaneese. So overall,This is a shop interior lovers must visit. Now you know,I can't say no to any offer of advertising,so please check this blog out-http://www.stardollcrown.blogspot.com/ It's a German Satrdoll blog which is really good at you MUST take a look.You can translate it to English as well!As for now,I really have no gossip to share.But don't worry!I'm planning on something!! SOMETHING JUICER THEN EVER! KEEP READING TO FIND OUT.CHECK OUT EVERY DAY!


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